KT of Country Music Crossword Clue
The most detailed content ever made for KT of Country Music Crossword Clue. If you come across the KT of Country Music question in the crossword puzzle, the answer is here. The most up-to-date and correct answers for the KT of Country Music Crossword.
- 5 Letter KT of Country Music Crossword Clue
- What is KT of Country Music Crossword?
KT of Country Music Crossword
We have compiled the most accurate and possible answers for the KT of Country Music Crossword Clue. Below is the 5 letter KT of Country Music Crossword answer. Crossword puzzle tips and their most accurate and latest answers. Known as KT, short for famous American country singer and songwriter Kay Toinette Oslin. Kay Toinette Oslin was born in 1942. She died in 2020 at the age of 78.
Answer: OSLIN
Intermission Follower Crossword Clue